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Welcome to Penny Allenwood Outdoors, LLC, your site for tips, hacks, and safety information for those new to outdoor activities.
This website is dedicated to our mission of promoting safety and environmental responsibility for those who take to the trails. We want you to be safe while camping, hiking, cycling, and enjoying our outdoor world, and encourage you to not only do it safely, but environmentally consciously, too!
We welcome you to explore our page and let us know how you liked it! Our interactive Forum page is there for your feedback - on the site, and on information we provide, or to let us know if there's information you need, but can't find. We want to hear from you! (NOTE: all content will be reviewed before being published - this is a family-friendly site, after all!).

Camp Agawam Lake,
New Castle, PA
Allegheny River Trail,
Kennerdell, PA
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